by | Sep 20, 2024

Landscaping vs Construction: Top 5 Best Career Choices 2024


career opportunities - landscaping vs construction

Choosing Between Landscaping vs Construction: Career Opportunities & Industry Growth

When it comes to deciding between a career in landscaping vs construction, both fields offer unique advantages and opportunities. Here’s a quick comparison to help you make an informed choice:

Career Opportunities & Growth:
Year-round Work: Continuous employment opportunities, such as snow removal in winter.
Immediate Impact: See the results of your hard work daily.
Outdoor Environment: Enjoy working in nature and learning about plant biology.
Abundant Jobs: High demand for skilled labor means easy job availability.
Good Pay: Competitive wages with potential for pay negotiation.
Flexible Hours: Opportunities for both day and night shifts.

In the Washington, DC area, both industries are experiencing significant growth, offering stable and lucrative employment options. While construction jobs are thriving due to constant demand for new buildings and infrastructure, landscaping jobs promise year-round employment with diverse tasks.

At the end of the day, whether you choose landscaping or construction, you’ll find rewarding work that lets you see tangible results from your efforts.

Landscaping vs Construction Career Comparison - landscaping vs construction infographic pillar-5-steps

Terms related to landscaping vs construction:
commercial landscape construction
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what is landscaping construction

Understanding the Basics

What is Landscaping?

Landscaping is all about changing outdoor spaces into beautiful and functional areas. This involves working with living elements like plants, trees, and flowers, as well as non-living elements like rocks, water features, and pathways.

Gardening is a big part of landscaping. It involves planting and maintaining flowers, shrubs, and trees. You might spend your days mowing lawns, pruning bushes, and planting seasonal flowers to keep the landscape looking fresh and vibrant.

The goal of landscaping is often to improve the aesthetic beauty of a space. This can mean creating a peaceful garden, a vibrant flower bed, or a picturesque pond. Landscapers use their creativity and knowledge of plant biology to design spaces that are both beautiful and functional.

Beautiful garden with flowers and trees - landscaping vs construction

What is Construction?

Construction, on the other hand, focuses on building structures and infrastructure. This can include anything from homes and office buildings to roads and bridges.

Construction workers are involved in building structures from the ground up. This includes everything from laying foundations and framing walls to installing electrical systems and plumbing. The work is often physically demanding and requires a variety of skills, including carpentry, masonry, and electrical work.

A big part of construction is improving infrastructure. This can mean building new roads, bridges, or drainage systems to make an area more functional and accessible. Construction workers play a crucial role in shaping our cities and communities by creating the structures we live and work in.

The primary focus in construction is on functional improvements. While aesthetics are important, the main goal is to create structures that are safe, durable, and meet the needs of the people who will use them.

Construction site with workers and machinery - landscaping vs construction

In summary, while landscaping focuses on enhancing the beauty and functionality of outdoor spaces using living and non-living elements, construction is all about building and improving structures and infrastructure to meet functional needs. Both fields offer unique challenges and rewards, making them exciting career options depending on your interests and skills.

Key Differences Between Landscaping and Construction

Scope of Work

Landscaping involves changing outdoor spaces by working with living elements like plants, trees, and flowers, as well as non-living elements such as rocks, water features, and pathways. Tasks can range from planting a garden to installing complex irrigation systems.

Construction, on the other hand, focuses on building structures and infrastructure. This can include homes, office buildings, roads, and bridges. Construction projects often start from the ground up, involving everything from laying foundations to installing electrical systems.

Required Skills

Landscaping requires a good understanding of plant biology, soil science, and horticulture. Skills in garden design, irrigation systems, and hardscaping (like building patios or retaining walls) are also essential. Creativity and an eye for design are big pluses.

Construction demands a different set of skills. Workers need to know carpentry, masonry, and electrical work. Project management and engineering skills are also crucial. Safety training is essential due to the use of heavy machinery and potentially hazardous materials.

Project Duration

Landscaping projects can vary in length. Some tasks, like mowing lawns or planting seasonal flowers, can be done in a day. Larger projects, like designing and installing a complete garden or irrigation system, can take weeks or even months.

Construction projects tend to be longer-term commitments. Building a house or a commercial building can take several months to years. Even smaller projects, like a home renovation, typically require weeks of planning and execution.

Both landscaping and construction offer unique challenges and rewards, making them exciting career options depending on your interests and skills.

Next, let’s dive into the pros and cons of a career in each field.

Pros and Cons of a Career in Landscaping

Advantages of Landscaping Jobs

Year-round Work

One of the biggest perks of a landscaping career is the year-round work. Unlike construction, which often halts in bad weather, landscaping continues through all seasons. While you might not be mowing lawns in winter, you could be doing snow removal, ensuring you always have a paycheck.

Paul Weaver, a construction branch manager at Level Green Landscaping, highlights this advantage: “We work in all kinds of weather, so we’re always out there earning money. Short of a hurricane, we’re out working. And, actually, there’s clean up to do after a hurricane, so we’re out there then, too.”

Competitive Pay

Landscaping offers competitive pay, similar to construction. Since quality workers are always in demand, your skills can earn you a good wage. Plus, because the work is year-round, so is the pay.

Daytime Hours

Landscaping jobs typically operate during daylight hours. This means you can spend your evenings with your family and friends. According to Weaver, “We can’t work without daylight, so you won’t be working nights.”

Outdoor Environment

If you love being outside, landscaping is a fantastic career choice. You get to work in the fresh air, surrounded by nature. Weaver puts it simply: “You’re outside, in the fresh air, working with the earth.”

Disadvantages of Landscaping Jobs

Seasonal Challenges

Working outdoors means facing the elements. Summers can be scorching, and winters can be freezing. Weaver notes, “It’s 100 degrees out there today and 90-plus percent humidity. It’s a rough day to be working outside.”

Safety Issues

Landscaping involves heavy equipment and chemicals, which can pose safety risks. However, companies like Level Green Landscaping offer comprehensive safety training to prepare you for these challenges.

Health Concerns

Physical labor in various weather conditions can take a toll on your body. It’s essential to stay hydrated, use proper lifting techniques, and take breaks to avoid injuries and health issues.

While there are challenges, a career in landscaping offers many rewards, from competitive pay to the joy of working outdoors. Next, let’s explore the pros and cons of a career in construction.

Pros and Cons of a Career in Construction

Advantages of Construction Jobs

Plenty of Work

The construction industry is booming, especially in areas like Washington DC. According to Paul Weaver, “You can get a job any day of the week. If I wanted to install drywall tomorrow, I could. If I didn’t like it, I could quit and find a job the next day siding, painting or roofing.”

Good Pay

Good labor is hard to find, which means wages are rising. Weaver points out, “You can sometimes negotiate your pay, if they really need people, and some jobs offer benefits.”

Flexible Hours

Many construction jobs offer day and night shifts, giving you flexibility. This can be a big plus if you need to work around other commitments.

Disadvantages of Construction Jobs

Safety Issues

Construction work can be dangerous. Workers often use tools and chemicals they don’t fully understand. Weaver mentions, “There’s not always safety training or a lot of orientation.”

Own Tools Needed

If you’re a carpenter or similar, you’re expected to bring your own tools, which can be expensive. This adds an upfront cost to starting your career.

Night Work

While flexible hours can be an advantage, the flip side is you might end up with night shifts. Weaver notes, “Many construction jobs work crews day and night. If you want your evenings free to spend with your family, there’s no guarantee you won’t get a night shift.”

In summary, construction offers many opportunities and good pay, but it comes with safety risks and the need for personal tools. Now, let’s look at the specialized skills and education needed in landscaping vs construction.

Specialized Skills and Education in Landscaping vs Construction

Choosing between a career in landscaping vs construction can be easier when you understand the specialized skills and education each field requires.

Landscaping Skills

Plant Biology

A solid understanding of plant biology is crucial for landscapers. Knowing how different plants grow, what conditions they thrive in, and how to care for them ensures a beautiful and healthy landscape. This knowledge helps in selecting the right plants for the right places.

Irrigation Systems

Designing and installing irrigation systems is another key skill. Proper irrigation ensures that plants get the right amount of water, which is vital for their health. Landscapers need to know about different types of irrigation systems, such as drip vs. sprinkler irrigation, and how to install and maintain them effectively.


Hardscaping involves building non-living elements like patios, walkways, and retaining walls. This requires skills in using materials like stone, concrete, and wood. Hardscaping not only improves the aesthetic appeal but also improves the functionality of outdoor spaces.

Construction Skills


Engineering skills are essential in construction. Understanding the principles of structural design ensures that buildings are safe and stable. Engineers work on everything from the foundation to the roof, making sure that every part of the structure is sound.

Project Management

Project management is a critical skill in construction. Managing timelines, budgets, and teams ensures that projects are completed on time and within budget. Good project managers are essential for coordinating the many moving parts of a construction project.

Structural Design

Structural design skills are needed to create blueprints and plans for buildings. This involves understanding materials, load-bearing structures, and safety codes. Structural designers ensure that the final construction is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

In summary, both landscaping and construction require specialized skills and education. Landscaping focuses more on plant biology, irrigation, and hardscaping, while construction emphasizes engineering, project management, and structural design. Understanding these skills can help you make an informed career choice.

Frequently Asked Questions about Landscaping vs Construction

What is the difference between hardscaping and landscaping?

Hardscaping involves the construction of non-living elements in an outdoor space. This includes items like patios, walkways, retaining walls, and water features such as ponds or fountains. Hardscaping focuses on creating structures that improve the functionality and aesthetic appeal of a property.

Landscaping, on the other hand, encompasses both hardscaping and softscaping. Softscaping refers to the living elements of a landscape, such as plants, trees, shrubs, and grass. Landscaping involves planning, designing, and maintaining these living elements to create a beautiful and healthy environment.

In summary, hardscaping is a subset of landscaping that deals with non-living features, while landscaping includes both hardscaping and softscaping.

What are the cons of being a landscaper?

While a career in landscaping can be rewarding, it does come with some challenges:

  • Seasonal Challenges: Landscaping work can be highly seasonal. For instance, demand for landscaping services often declines in the winter months, especially in colder climates.
  • Safety Issues: Working with heavy equipment, sharp tools, and potentially hazardous chemicals can pose safety risks. Proper training and safety gear are essential.
  • Health Concerns: Long hours in the sun can lead to health issues like sunburn, dehydration, and even skin cancer. Using sunscreen and staying hydrated are musts. Additionally, landscaping can be physically demanding, which may lead to muscle strain or injury.

What do you mean by landscaping?

Landscaping refers to the process of designing, creating, and maintaining outdoor spaces. This can include a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Planting and Caring for Plants: This involves selecting the right plants for the climate and soil, planting them, and ensuring they receive proper care through watering, fertilizing, and pruning.
  • Hardscaping: Building structures like patios, walkways, retaining walls, and other non-living elements to improve the functionality and beauty of the space.
  • Irrigation Systems: Designing and installing systems to ensure plants receive adequate water.
  • Maintenance: Regular tasks like mowing, weeding, and mulching to keep the landscape looking its best.

Landscaping is about creating and maintaining outdoor environments that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.


Choosing between a career in landscaping and construction boils down to your personal interests, skills, and lifestyle preferences. Both fields offer unique opportunities and challenges.

Career Choice

If you enjoy working outdoors, have a passion for plants, and like the idea of seeing the immediate results of your work, then a career in landscaping might be the right fit for you. Landscaping jobs offer year-round work, competitive pay, and daytime hours. Plus, you get to enjoy the great outdoors and the satisfaction of creating beautiful, functional spaces.

On the other hand, if you prefer building structures, have a knack for engineering or project management, and are looking for flexible hours with potentially higher pay, then construction could be your ideal career path. The construction industry is booming, offering plenty of work and opportunities to negotiate your pay.

At Dube Property Maintenance & Hardscaping, we specialize in providing comprehensive outdoor solutions, from landscape installations to hardscaping and snow management. Whether you’re interested in a career in landscaping or construction, we offer a range of services that can help you gain valuable experience and develop your skills.

The right career choice depends on what you value most in your work environment and what kind of tasks you find most fulfilling. Both landscaping and construction offer rewarding careers with their own sets of advantages and challenges.

We hope this guide helps you make an informed decision. If you’re ready to explore a career in landscaping or need professional landscaping services, don’t hesitate to contact us at Dube Property Maintenance & Hardscaping.

For more information about our services, visit our landscaping services page.


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